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Blitz® for Recruiting

Say Goodbye to Manual Calculations

Automate, Simplify and Accelerate your Commission Calculations

Embrace the future of recruiting agencies. Start automating your commission process today and witness the transformation in your operations. Streamline workflows, drive growth, and ensure accuracy in every transaction. Contact us now for a personalized demonstration of our commission automation solution.

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Blitz® Benefits for Recruiting

Say goodbye to human error and inconsistencies. Every transaction and commission calculation is performed automatically, ensuring that payouts are accurate and transparent. Your recruiters can trust the system to deliver precise results, enhancing trust and credibility with clients and candidates alike.

Instant visibility for recruiters with custom dashboards and reporting

Rules for commissions, bonuses, placement, company and contract specifications

Manage variable rates for placements 

Integrate with multiple data sources

Ensuring the safety of your data

Blitz® offers a diverse array of access choices to empower recruiting firms' sales managers, safeguarding valuable business data through robust user authentication and authorization methods.


Enhance efficiency by automating recruiting commissions

Maximize payout accuracy and transparency with your recruitment teams

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